Intrinsic motivation comes from a personal desire to engage in an activity for its own sake. It is a critical element that helps individuals stay focused, committed, and engaged in their pursuits. We often feel intrinsically motivated for fun activities, like video games. When a person is intrinsically motivated, they are more likely to stay committed to the task, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. So, the key to developing an exercise habit is using these activities we are already intrinsically motivated by.

Make Exercise Fun

Exercise is an area where intrinsic motivation plays a crucial role. Engaging in regular physical activity can be challenging, especially when you lack the motivation to do so. However, those who are intrinsically motivated to exercise tend to view it as an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Video games, too, can be a source of intrinsic motivation. Many people enjoy playing video games because they find them fun and engaging. Playing active video games, ones that require physical movement, can increase a person’s heart rate and energy expenditure. They can help you get in shape, and also provide a sense of achievement and progress, similar to that experienced during traditional exercise. As a result, folks are often more motivated to engage in physical activity if it is presented in the form of a video game. Eventually, you’ll begin to derive pleasure from the physical sensations of movement, the release of endorphins, and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with achieving fitness goals.

Whatever method you choose for working out, make it a fun. Find an exercise you are intrinsically motivated by. Making the habit is crucial to success. How often you exercise is far more important than how hard you exercise in any one session.

By focusing on activities that we find enjoyable, rewarding, and engaging, we can tap into our inner drive and stay committed to our goals.