Stop Beating Yourself Up

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We have all done it. You mean to go to the gym or workout, but you find yourself lounging on the couch instead. You tell yourself you are going to eat healthy this week, but then someone brings donuts into work. The problem is after one of these slip ups, people tend to beat themselves […]

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Plankpad Review

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I was able to get my hands on a Plankpad this holiday season and I’ve been using it for a few months now. Here is my Plankpad review. If you’re unfamiliar with planking, it is one of the best core workouts you can do. The standard plank is a bit different from the meme that […]

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How to Use a Dopamine Loop to Your Advantage

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When I refer to a Dopamine loop, I’m talking about the thing that makes us keep doing something without even thinking about it. Think playing candy crush or angry birds for hours and hours without regard for the time. There are triggers in those game that give you a little reward, and with it, a […]

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Weight Is Just a Number

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Ten out of ten doctors agree that eating is good for you. People focus on weight as though it were the only measure of fitness. It’s not. Weight is just one of many ways to measure fitness. Weight is just a number. For many people, right after they start working out, they actually gain weight. […]

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The Stigma of Working Out

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There is a stigma to working out. There are a number of people who see exercise as something only jocks do, and they think all jocks are dumb tools. I think it goes back to high school cliques. If you think critically for a moment, the idea is ridiculous. I’m not saying there aren’t some […]

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The True Power of Nerd Rage

There is a strong link between anger and motivation, and nobody generates anger like nerds. Nerd rage, when unchecked, can be powerful, debilitating and embarrassing. I speak from experience. I’m ashamed to say, I recently got so mad about some silly app on my phone that I threw it against the wall and broke it. […]

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FitXR Review – Boxing and Dance Workouts in VR

FitXR, formally known as BoxVR, is a game available for most virtual reality headsets. I’ve been using it for a while on the Oculus Quest 2. Here’s my review of FitXR At it’s core, this is a rhythm game similar to Guitar Hero or Just Dance. The format works really well in VR. There’s a […]

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The Thrill of The Fight – A Hidden Gym

This might be one of my favorite boxing games I’ve ever played, and it was only about $10. Virtual Reality is perfect for an authentic boxing experience, and The Thrill of the Fight has no shortage of authenticity. Plus, it is a really good workout. The game is so much fun and so immersive that […]

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Here’s the Skinny on HIIT

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High Intensity interval training, aka HIIT, is the cornerstone of a lot of recent exercise programs. Generally, it combines short intervals of intense activity with less intense periods in between. This can be adapted to most types of cardiovascular exercise, like running, swimming, biking etc. A number of studies suggest HIIT is one of the […]

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