Photo by Hamed omidian on Unsplash

I modified this recipe from something I saw Cookie Monster and Gonger make on Sesame Street. It is very easy to make. I don’t like Lima Beans, so I switched them out with Tomatoes. I also used a Shallot instead of an Onion because they’re similar but a little more subtle. The result turned out to be delicious. It is also very healthy because it is pretty much just vegetables.

Don’t you hate it when Recipe blogs make you read five pages of useless filler before you get to the actual recipe. Anyway, here’s a long diatribe on the history of Succotash and several paragraphs on Sylvester from Looney Tunes for no particular reason. Just kidding.

Prep Time: 10 Minutes – Cooking Time: 10 Minutes – Serves: 3-4


  • Mixing Bowl
  • Cooking Pot with Lid
  • Stove
  • Utensil for Stirring


  • Two Ears of Corn
  • One Beefsteak Tomato
  • One Large Shallot (or two small ones)
  • One Red Bell Pepper
  • Garlic Cloves (to taste)
  • Olive Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Water

Step 1 Prepare the Vegetables: Shuck the corn and cut the kernels off into the mixing bowl. Peel the shallot or shallots and cut into tiny pieces. Then add the cut shallot into the mixing bowl. Next cut up the pepper into tiny pieces and add it to the mixing bowl. Peel and mince the garlic and add it to the mixing bowl. I use two cloves but you can try more or less depending on your tastes. Garlic powder is also ok if you don’t have any garlic cloves on hand, but fresh garlic is better. Then cut up the tomato into tiny pieces and add it to the mixing bowl as well. Basically, you’re gonna cut up all the vegetables and add them to the mixing bowl.

Step 2 Mix the Ingredients: Add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a 1/4 Teaspoon of salt and pepper to the vegetables. Stir everything up until it is all mixed together. It’s just like tossing a salad (get your mind out of the gutter).

Step 3 Cook it: Put a teaspoon of olive oil in the cooking pot then put the cooking pot on the stove and turn the heat to medium high. Once the olive oil is heated up a bit, pour in the contents of the mixing bowl. Add 1/4 Cup of water, stir and cover. Cook for ten minutes and remove from heat. Don’t forget to turn off the stove.

Voila, you got yourself a healthy side dish. Pat yourself on the back and enjoy.

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