Fights of the Year – No Spoilers

I have written before about how I love to watch boxing while working out. It is great motivation and you can use the round breaks to time HIIT intervals. Because of that, I was trying to search for the Ring Magazine Fights of the Year to find some good fights to watch, but you cannot […]

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30 Day Gaming Fitness Challenge Days 11-15

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Observations: I ran into a few speedbumps over the last few days, ate a few things I should not have. That said, I am making up for it as best I can, and I have mostly conformed to the original plan. The issue that caused me to veer off course was time more than anything […]

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Boxing and HIIT

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Here’s a trick I use to get a great high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout while watching one of my favorite sports. In boxing, fights are divided into 3 minute rounds with 60 seconds in between each round. Fights are either 4, 8, 10 or 12 rounds, with some fights before 1982 going 15. The […]

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30 Day Gaming Fitness Challenge Days 7 – 10

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Observations: I’m a third of the way there. I slipped up a few times the last couple of days, but otherwise I’m still going strong. I had a brownie. I was getting coffee and I saw them on the counter and just ordered one. It was almost like I forgot about all of this. I […]

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Tomato Succotash Recipe

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I modified this recipe from something I saw Cookie Monster and Gonger make on Sesame Street. It is very easy to make. I don’t like Lima Beans, so I switched them out with Tomatoes. I also used a Shallot instead of an Onion because they’re similar but a little more subtle. The result turned out […]

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30 Day Gaming Fitness Challenge Days 3 – 6

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Observations I’m six days in and still going strong. I have eaten a chicken breast almost every day, and believe it or not I’m still not sick of them. My only rule about preparation is that it cannot add more than 25 calories. There are a lot of really good marinade mixes that qualify. I […]

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30 Day Gaming Fitness Challenge – Days 1 & 2

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Observations From Days 1 & 2: The first thing I want to point out is that it is really hard to get enough calories when you’re eating low calorie foods. I was basically eating all day long and, according to my smartwatch, I still ended up with calorie deficits of 1,141 and 1,848 respectively. Nuts […]

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30 Day Fitness Gaming Challenge

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Those twelve or so of you that follow this blog will have noticed I fell off the horse recently. When that happens, there’s just one thing to do. Get back on. I have come into some free time and decided to use the opportunity to start a new workout challenge, which I will be updating […]

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Getting Back on the Horse

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Sometimes people lose motivation. You decide you want to do something, you start doing it, but then the initial excitement dies down and you quit. For example, sometimes you stop working on your website. I like to think lost motivation happens to all of us, but I can only speak from personal experience. This blog […]

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