The gaming industry experienced over 10,000 layoffs in 2023

The 2024 Game Developers Conference

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In San Francisco this week the atmosphere among professionals in the video game industry was somber as they gathered for the annual Game Developers Conference (GDC). Some were so disheartened by the current state of affairs in their field that they organized a collective shouting session in a nearby park. Maxi Molina, a game developer […]

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Pollens from plants can cause seasonal allergies

Seasonal Allergies Back in Full Swing

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Springtime signals the onset of seasonal allergies for many individuals, characterized by common symptoms like sneezing and sniffles. Health experts emphasize the importance of proactive measures for allergy sufferers. According to the CDC, one out of every four adults experiences seasonal allergies. Symptoms of allergies vary among individuals but typically include itchy, watery eyes, a […]

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These websites will help with your LEGO investing research.

9 Websites Every LEGO Investor Needs to Know

LEGO investing research is important if you want to have success as a Lego Investor. Here are nine websites every LEGO investor should add to their bookmarks bar. These sites make LEGO Investing research much easier. You can find upcoming retirements, market analysis, price tracking, community forums, deals and other information valuable to every LEGO […]

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Know This Before Starting LEGO Investing

LEGO investing can be a lucrative endeavor. Even the Wall Street Journal has highlighted how many LEGO sets rise faster than other commodities or stocks. Some LEGO sets even double in value only a year or two after retiring. However, there are some drawbacks that anyone interested in Lego investing should know about before spending their […]

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Lego Investor: Technic Gravedigger. Set #42118

Every LEGO Investor Must Know These 9 Terms

LEGO investing can be quite profitable, if you know what you are doing. Fortunately, there is a large community of LEGO investors online. If you are new to this community, it is important to understand the lingo we all use. These are nine terms you must know in order to understand experienced LEGO investors. MSRP/RRP […]

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Crispy Lemon Cayenne Broccoli

In this super easy crispy lemon cayenne broccoli dish, vibrant florets are lightly coated in a zesty blend of tangy lemon and fiery cayenne pepper. Lemon and cayenne complement each other exceptionally well, creating a balanced blend of tangy and spicy flavors. As the oven works its magic, the broccoli transforms into a delectable masterpiece, […]

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Exercise with Intrinsic Motivation

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Intrinsic motivation comes from a personal desire to engage in an activity for its own sake. It is a critical element that helps individuals stay focused, committed, and engaged in their pursuits. We often feel intrinsically motivated for fun activities, like video games. When a person is intrinsically motivated, they are more likely to stay […]

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Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star Review

Fitness Boxing, Fist of the North Star, is the latest game in the Fitness Boxing franchise for the Nintendo Switch. It combines the usual Fitness Boxing workout routine with the characters from the Fist of the North Star manga and anime. Just like the previous iterations of Fitness Boxing, this game is designed to be […]

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30 Day Gaming Fitness Challenge Results

Well, I did it. I completed my 30 day gaming fitness challenge. I played exercise games for 30 days and maintained a (mostly) healthy diet. Here are my results and observations. This was probably the most gung ho I’ve been about fitness, albeit for a short time. I was not a hundred percent faithful to […]

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