Observations From Days 1 & 2:

The first thing I want to point out is that it is really hard to get enough calories when you’re eating low calorie foods. I was basically eating all day long and, according to my smartwatch, I still ended up with calorie deficits of 1,141 and 1,848 respectively. Nuts take a long time to chew and everything takes a comparatively long time to prepare.

The second thing to point out is that sticking with the diet was actually pretty easy. I know it’s only been two days, but we had leftover pizza and wings in the fridge from the fourth of July that I didn’t touch. I think that cutting down on choices so drastically actually made it easier. I’m reminded of the parable about Albert Einstein, who reportedly had five copies of the same outfit that he wore every single day. Sometimes fewer choices is better.

That said, I’ll definitely be making a lot of trips to the grocery store.

Day 1 – July 5, 2022

Exercise: I bicycled 16 miles through Yosemite in VZFit. This game uses google maps to let you travel through anywhere in the world. The images can get pretty jumpy as you move, but the views are nice. I used a cadence sensor with our stationary bike, which worked really well. The ride was part of a 147 mile trek through Yosemite National Park, included as part of the games summer challenge. I hope to finish all of it by the end of the month. It took 42 minutes, and I burned 216 calories.

Food: (since I was eating basically non-stop I decided not to break this into meals)

  • Two Grilled Chicken Breast
  • Two Packages of Cashews
  • Three Tangerines
  • Breakfast Protein Shake
  • Regular Protein Shake
  • Multivitamin
  • Jasmine Rice
  • Total Calories consumed: 2,104 — Total Calories Expended: 3,245

Day 2 – July 6, 2022

Exercise: Today I played Knockout League. Specifically, I played the Focus Mitts minigame in Stamina mode on hard difficulty. Then I worked the speed bag for a little bit. Honestly, I think the training minigames in Knockout League are more fun than the actual game. They’re a better workout too. According to my smartwatch, In about 30 minutes I burned 287 calories and my whole upper body was feeling it.


  • Two Grilled Chicken Breasts
  • Protein Bar
  • Breakfast Protein Shake
  • Asparagus
  • Honeycrisp Apple
  • Grapes
  • Multivitamin
  • Coffee with milk
  • Package of Almonds
  • Tangerine
  • Jasmine Rice
  • Total Calories Consumed 2,030 — Total Calories Expended 3,926